Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Kate Bowler's book is scaring me and not in the good way

No Cure for Being Human: (and Other Truths I Need to Hear)2021

 This week, I read the book, No Cure For Being Human by Kate Bowler. She was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer when she was 37-ish. It catches her entirely by surprise. She is advised by many people to "make the time count" and "fulfill your bucket list." She finds herself railing against big gestures and instead starts to savor smaller moments that she'd blown past before her diagnosis, like cuddling her son in the morning.

  This is the season I think about New Year's Goals--not resolutions because somehow that's the wrong way to be--and bucket lists. So I asked what I would do if I knew this was the last year of my life? My happy spot is structure and order. Knowing I was going to die would be chaotic. It freaked me out, so I returned to my regularly scheduled goal list of doing home renovations and spending time with family. 

  Reading helps me to think of other paths besides my comfortable construction. This is good for me. This year I will have read over 100 books meeting one of last year's goals (and the year before and before that--you get the idea). 

  Kate Bowler's thoughts keep creeping back into goals. In this continuing pandemic, choices are less solid; I hedge my plans with "if it works out" and "unless." Resolutions that were reframed as goals are now categorized as I hope to.

  I hope to continue writing this year, playing with children, growing more in love with my husband, and seeing the goodness of God.

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