"I felt like living my life through screens had trapped me in this dark little cell, my own black box of doom."
― I'm Starting to Worry About This Black Box of Doom
I'm Starting to Worry About This Black Box of Doom by Jason Pargin was a blast! There were many good elements contributing to the deliciousness of this book. Given its title, I was surprised by how good-hearted and kind its characters were. It has many familiar storylines. It is a quest--what's in the box, with a buddy journey--Abbott agrees to drive an unknown woman and a strange box from LA to Washington DC; coming of age--Abbott takes the wheel of his life; redemption--wrongs are righted, relationships repaired, plus an education about the glory and ruin that is the internet. The book has wonderfully broken, fascinating characters, lots of action, and gentle moralism. A great read.
Don't Forget to Write by Sara Goodman Confino is a historical fiction set in 1960. It is also adjacent to the romance category--not its primary purpose, but when your protagonist is sent as punishment to live with her strict seventy-plus aunt, who also happens to be an in-demand matchmaker, there is going to be romance. This book is balanced with interesting characters, a surprising plot, and good writing. Its central theme is self-determination. Marilyn Kleinman misbehaving as she chaffs under her father's strictness becomes a purposeful path towards knowing herself and what she wants.
I found Something Close to Magic by Emma Mills on a list of cozy fantasy novels--just the right book for post-Christmas, Artic blast doldrums.
It contained several books I'd already read and enjoyed. Emma Mills does a good job of creating an ensemble cast with a downtrodden but spunky protagonist, Aurelie, the apprentice baker. She is trying to make a stable, dependable life for herself. Still, it is disrupted by Illiane, the bounty hunter who needs her special magical skill to find people, specifically a prince named Hapless. This was a lovely adventure. The book is YA, but it is a fun read.